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December 2006 Spasmodic Dysphonia Treatment Clinic - UK
We were pleased to offer our first international clinic with the gracious donation of a boardroom by the Oakley Court - Windsor. While Michael and Connie were in a state of shock over the poor performance of our dollar against the British pound, we were pleased to be able to offer the clinic locally and to provide a talk to the Dystonia Society/London. While no further international clinics are currently planned, we invite our UK friends to join us for a US clinic. We promise elegant, affordable lodging and food, as well as delightful weather and shopping! The following testimonials were provided by the clinic participants.
Our participants included one of our veterans from the very first clinic, Sarah , who felt she had put her voice rehab on hold and needed a jump-start to get back on track. Sarah's voice soared, and her comments at the end of the clinic were: "Now I know this really works. Just do it, its brilliant."
Shona: AD/SD 10 years
Having been a dystonia sufferer for 10 years with Botox as the only treatment, this was the first time anyone had offered an alternative solution. At this point my life changed, and for the first time ever, I took control of my dystonia. The clinic was an inspirational experience that I would love everyone who suffers from this condition to have the opportunity to attend. Whether my voice returns or not (and I believe it will), the insights I received, the discoveries I made, will completely re-shape my life. I have a new understanding of my mind, body and voice that I would not have gained in any other way. I can now see, hear, and feel my voice. I know it is there. I discovered it during the clinic with my toolbox of therapies. I know I will bring it out permanently over time. Thank you so much Connie and Mike.
JC: Mixed SD with tremor from age 15
During the clinic I gained a new understanding of what was happening with my voice and breathing, and learned some effective ways of doing things differently. I know that they work because I heard the difference. The whole experience was very supportive and brought about more change than I imagined possible in the length of time of the clinic.
Gillian: AD/SD 10+ years
This clinic has totally and utterly given me hope that my SD can be healed, whereas I have never believed before that it could be. Connie and Mike are gifts from God who have provided me not only with the practical help in the form of exercises/instructions to heal, but also the inspiration and motivation that healing is possible. My voice has made a dramatic improvement since I started practicing the breathing and voice exercises and I am confident that my progress will continue. Everyone with SD should have the opportunity to do this course and it should be available on the NHS!