**Clinic testimonials cover over 10 years of clinic experiences. Due to a re-location to Atlanta forthcoming,
the holistic interdisciplinary team approach is currently not available. Hence, testimonials are no longer published. Connie is moving toward more of a private consultation model, which also has proven efficacy.
 November 2015Susy: Adductor SD, onset 2011, but diagnosed in 2014 after speech therapy failed to provide significant improvement. Mr. Brooks Speech Therapist told her she should have Botox injections and that her condition was incurable.... |  August 2015Matilde stated that her voice improved 50% at the clinic, becoming clearer and higher in pitch. She felt that others understood her better by the end of the clinic. "I would say that.... |  May 2015"I found the Free to Speak Clinic to be a life changing 5 day experience. The instruction, practice and camaraderie helped me to relax and let my words flow more freely.... |
 March 2015Irene rated her voice as 70% improved following the clinic. "To come to the clinic was the best decision I have ever made. It was like beginning a new life, acquiring many skills to live a healthy, happy and hopeful life.... |  June 2014“I read Connie’s books and began doing voice exercises and following her advice three months ago. I was making progress.... |  February 2014“As a person with SD, I can testify that this clinic has been very beneficial as it showed me proper breathing which opened up my mind to speaking like I sing, using my diaphragm. It taught me that breathing.... |
 October 2013 “The clinic was very worthwhile. It provided the instruction, tools and encouragement to already bring noticeable improvement (in 5 days) and to also continue.... |  June 2013“The clinic teaches you how to overcome insecurities you can have with your voice. There are tricks that can cause your voice to come out; it is just about learning.... |  March 2013There are choices in life. We didn’t choose to get SD, but we can choose how we deal with it. Botox is one choice. Doing nothing to treat it is another. But there is a third choice, less well known, but one that offers.... |
 Nov / Dec 2012It was a very relaxed, friendly atmosphere and I felt very at home and free from stress. Everything was well organized and professional. It felt like a spa but I learned a lot about neuromuscular massage and healthy.... |  October 2012What I appreciated most about the clinic was that is was a safe, supportive, loving space to come and address an area of my life that has been a source of tremendous vulnerability. Connie, Dennis and Christine bring.... |  July 2012This clinic was an amazing experience all around. Before attending the clinic, I was told that Botox was the only route and that I would not get better with therapy.... |
 June 2012Just see Connie! If she could find the new groove then so can anyone who has determination. At the clinic you meet others who sound just like you, slightly better or worse.... |  March 2012This is (as promoted) a very holistic clinic. It definitely covers a lot of areas pertaining to SD; breathing, mind/body, voice exercises, posture and more. I quickly learned.... |  November 2011I found the right groove for my voice at the clinic and I learned to breathe more effectively and efficiently, with deeper breathing and better posture.... |
 October 2011The clinic was a wonderful opportunity to meet other people with voice issues and to learn from and share with them. The fact that Connie blends personal experience with.... |  June 2011I did not improve much in volume or pitch, but I am pushing less and am more relaxed when I am talking. I gained a lot of knowledge and skills to continue to practice on my own.... |  February 2011Don’t come to the clinic with the intention that someone with SD will be “cured” because that is not what Connie teaches. She teaches that you have a choice not to use traditional methods.... |
 November 2010I had gotten to the point with my SD that I had accepted what many medical professionals and books told me, that my voice condition wasn't curable. Hearing that repeatedly destroys a person’s hope and it was doing that to me. I began.... |  October 2010I have always been one to search for the natural approach or alternative to healing and the diagnosis of Spasmodic Dysphonia with no known cure is proving to be no exception. I have just completed Connie Pike’s 5 day “Voice Rehabilitation Workshop”. |  April 2010We had an intimate group for the April clinic. Our Hawaiian friend had a medical emergency, and will join us for our next clinic. The atmosphere was slower paced with more individual attention available.... |
 January 2010I had a brief bout with childhood stuttering as well as a history of periodic classroom stammering. My onset of SD is associated with uncovering repressed emotions in 1991-92 over an emotionally.... |  November 2009In April 2006, my voice started to deteriorate. I saw numerous doctors and specialists who attributed it to stress. I tried many treatments over the years and still no voice. I saw Connie in London in June 2008 and she gave me.... |  July 2009My voice improved 80%. I changed my breathing to belly breathing and found my pitch and focus in the mask. I had fuller breathing and better pitch. The expertise was exceptional.... |
 May 2009My voice improved 30% at the clinic, with improved voice quality and the ability to self-correct. The breathing training helped my chest to be more open. Connie provided an opportunity to investigate and learn.... |  January 2009My voice improved 30% at the clinic and I learned to “let go” when blocks occur and that an awareness of deep full breathing is imperative all the time. Every instructor at the clinic has developed incredible.... |  September 2008I feel the clinic will be invaluable to recovering my voice. Mike and Connie are wonderful to work with. They really understand how SD not only affects you physically, but how it affects you emotionally. Having the clinic in her home helps.... |
 August 2008For those of you that are suffering with SD, this clinic is well worth your time and investment. I never told people (family, friends, or co-workers) I had SD. I hid behind it for six years-making excuses that I had laryngitis, allergies, a bad cold, or a virus. I depended.... |  June 2008I attended the clinic because I had a strong intuition that Connie “got it” with SD. Here is a woman who not only had SD and came out on the other side (her voice is lovely), but was obviously dedicated to helping.... |  March 2008I feel that I gained tools to help me overcome my tremors. The instructors were very knowledgeable and helpful. Having an instructor who understands the emotional as well as the physical components.... |
 January 2008We had an intimate group for the first of the New Year. It was a great opportunity both to jump start our new expanded program in full, as well as to welcome back a previous participant for a second time.... |  November 2007“I believe that my stay at this voice rehabilitation clinic has provided me with the springboard to recovery. It has given me the confidence and determination toward recovery. I have been given expert.... |  July 26 - 30th, 2007“I feel so blessed to be able to come to this clinic. I have been struggling with muscle tension dysphonia for 8 years and this clinic has really helped me recover in various ways. I experienced significant.... |
 July 5th, 2007“I think that learning or realizing that my breathing is forced and not relaxed is my biggest insight/discovery. I feel like once I learn to constantly relax my abdominals during speech, the throat and larynx.... |  May 2007The May clinic was another unique experience, as each clinic has been. It is always exciting to see the variety of personalities and hear the journeys of each as we make our way through the maze.... |  January 2007We all decided that Florida is THE PLACE to be in January as we watched the rest of the country ice over. We had six wonderful participants from as close as South Florida and as far as Sydney.... |
 December 2006We were pleased to offer our first international clinic with the gracious donation of a boardroom by the Oakley Court - Windsor. While Michael and Connie were in a state of shock over the poor performance.... |  October 2006The October clinic in Maggie Valley, NC was attended by five SDers from various states in the US. Despite the fact that both Mike and Connie were stricken with laryngitis, we managed through to significant.... |  June 2006We had an incredibly exciting mix of individuals for this clinic, including several attorneys, a singer/song writer, and a speech pathology major. The group solidified and provided excellent support and encouragement.... |
 January 2006The January clinic took on a different climate. It was conducted in a retreat-like setting in Apollo Beach, just south of Tampa, FL. The intensity of the clinic remained intact, but was contrasted by times of relaxation.... |  August 2005We held our first intensive voice rehabilitation clinic in Tampa, Florida. Connie organized the clinic format based on the model she used to restore her own voice over the past year.... |