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November 2011 Spasmodic Dysphonia Treatment Clinic
Jim: Slow deterioration of voice beginning over 10 years ago/diagnosed in 2009 with dystonia, chronic constriction of the vocal folds, Spasmodic Dysphonia and/or Muscle Tension Dysphonia. Speech therapy, chiropractic, massage and other alternative therapies as well as botox , none of which helped the voice.
I found the right groove for my voice at the clinic and I learned to breathe more effectively and efficiently, with deeper breathing and better posture.
I highly recommend this clinic to anyone with SD. Connie, Dennis, Christine and Robbie are highly skilled practitioners who have the knowledge necessary for success in gaining voice recovery. I felt very confident during the clinic that my success with the program was their priority. I noticed improvement right away and know that if I follow the plan that was outlined for me, I will be on my way to complete recovery.
My voice got off track years ago, and gradually got worse. This clinic gave me the tools to re-train my system to produce normal voice. Another aspect of the clinic that is great is meeting other people with voice dysfunction who are committed to getting better. The peer support is an important part of recovery and a plan is in place to continue contact with each other.
I went into the clinic not expecting a miracle or quick fix, and this is important, because I gave it a chance and now have the tools that will help me achieve my goal of complete recovery. I can honestly say that it is possible to recover from this dysfunction as I have seen others and myself. If you want to learn how to gain control of your voice, this clinic is the place to go.
Dorothy: Quivering voice in the late 1990’s, diagnosed with Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonia and vocal tremor in 2008, botox injections regularly for several years with inconsistent results.
My voice significantly improved at the clinic; about 75%. I became much more aware of my breathing. Words seem inadequate to express my gratitude for what Connie has done for people with SD. She has discovered an effective mix of actions anyone can take to improve their voice and life. If anyone has SD or vocal tremor, they should sign up for this clinic. You don’t have to suffer and this is a better option than botox.
Jean: Diagnosed with Adductor SD last year; having had it for 8 months 30 years ago. Initially she was not told she had SD, and was treated with voice therapy for 8 months and completely recovered until 2010. She was then told that botox was the recommended treatment after 3 months of unsuccessful voice therapy. The three injections she received “masked the problem” but she did not like the breathy period and returned strain as it wore off.
The clinic helped me become more aware of where I should focus my voice and that exercises and breathing correctly are a large part of the healing. I felt the instructors were caring, knowledgeable and prepared.
I am thankful for the clinic, when the medical world really doesn’t understand SD. Here one can find hope, friendship, techniques, programs and exercises to help them regain their voices. The days are worth the time, effort and expense. The knowledge you gain to manage SD is immeasurable and the encouragement tremendous.
I feel that not only did I gain information, but that after I leave the clinic, I will not be forgotten. I know that if I have questions or need help, it is just a phone call or email away.
Thank you Connie and Dennis!
Robert: Adductor SD diagnosed in 2004 after a bad throat infection, two botulinum toxin injections, then consulted with Connie in London on 3 occasions, Alexander technique, Bowen, and other alternative therapies.
My voice and breathing improved significantly at the clinic. Although I had already met with Connie in London and knew some of the techniques, having the whole “package” refreshed my memory and gave me a clear line of approach to my problem.
For anyone suffering from SD, I would completely recommend that they attend this clinic, as they will receive all the tools necessary to beat this problem. Additionally, meeting others with the same illness is very helpful.
This is a great team of experts who care!
Carrie: Sudden onset of SD in 2001, at age 24. She initially improved with voice therapy, but symptoms returned. She then had Botox injections at the Cleveland Clinic every 10-13 weeks for 5 years, but it became less effective over time. Seeking alternative treatment, she saw Mike White for breathing instruction and signed up for the clinic with the hope that she could stop Botox treatment.
My voice significantly improved at the clinic. There aren’t just one or two specific exercises that worked for me, but a combination of many things along with support from others who know and understand what I am going through. Learning how to breathe properly was very important to me because I was taking a big breath and holding on to it as I was speaking. I also learned how to relax, which makes it much easier to speak. My voice is not perfect, but it is doing well enough that I don’t feel the need for botox anymore. I think that most people don’t even know I have a voice problem now. If anyone would like to contact me for more information, my email is Just put Spasmodic Dysphonia or Connie Pike in the subject line.